

PILGRIM'S FIRST THANKSGIVING FEAST INVITED INDIANS AS FRIENDLY GESTURE Several years ago at Thanksgiving dinner, a California colleague related his fifth-grade daughter's version of the Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving Feast, as she had learned it in school: "The Pilgrims were thankful to the Indians for helping them."

My colleague -- not particularly religious -- was shocked at his child's misunderstanding of this important American tradition. He told her the Pilgrims were deeply religious people who came to America to observe their faith. They hosted that first Thanksgiving feast to thank God for His blessings in the new land. The Indians were invited as a gesture of friendship. I thought of that incident when, in 2004, that state education officials in Maryland issued an edict about Thanksgiving observances in the public schools: Teachers may allow students to be "thankful" to almost anyone (or anything), but not God.

My wife and I raised our family in Maryland and lived there 33 years. Our children attended Montgomery County public schools, which were always on the political and social "cutting edge". In the mid-1960s, county educators put "smoking rooms" in some high schools. Kids were going to smoke anyway, so let's keep them in school instead of driving them off campus. Today, both God and tobacco have lost favor in Maryland. Nothing from the Free State -- including proclamation of a Godless Thanksgiving -- surprises me.

Not to be too tough on Maryland, things are similar in other "blue" states, or even red ones. Maryland is merely ahead of other states. Try to recall when your kids last brought home anything from school about Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims, etc. Halloween is now the big holiday. It's meaningless, but much safer -- no risk "God" might be mentioned by an incautious child.

God has also been surgically removed from Christmas. In schools, the public square, the shopping mall -- Christmas is a raucous, gaudy, commercial hysteria that drives our economy for the last six weeks of every year. It no longer has the remotest connection to the Nativity, the Christ Child, Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Wise Men, angels, etc.

As a child I gazed on the colored lights and heard Christmas music wafting into the night in our city's center square, circa 1950.  The city was ablaze with light and good cheer. The Nativity scene was depicted in store windows. We sang carols in school. "Merry Christmas" rang out between teachers, students, customers, clerks, tradesmen, and bus-drivers. Even nonbelievers conveyed the good will of Christmas.

Today, the lights are still there. But the carols, the Nativity, and "Merry Christmas" are gone. In their place, we have silliness about Santa Claus, reindeer, snowmen and elves. Decorations feature grinches and cartoon characters. We say, "Happy Holidays." Schools now recognize Kwanza -- a holiday invented in 1965 so African-Americans could have an alternative to the "white man's Christmas".

Schools call this "diversity", but God's name is verboten.  Whatever "The Holidays" are about, children's ears are considered too tender to hear that Christmas, a bedrock religious observance of our nation, means Jesus Christ -- Emmanuel, God with us, the Word made flesh. Our children may not hear that God's supreme gift to the world -- His own Son -- is the model for all Christmas gift-giving. Foreign visitors would have no idea Christmas meant anything more religious than hoping Rudolph's red nose would guide Santa's reindeer. Immediately after the September 11, 2001, attacks, "God Bless America" signs sprang up all over the country. Suddenly, God was "in" again. Americans turned back to God because they were afraid.
We hoped he had not forgotten us. Now, nine years later, God's name can't be spoken at school, and the Boys Scouts are everywhere kicked from pillar to post. Unless the "God must go" movement is stopped, it will sweep every last vestige of God from public America. Secularism will become the official state religion. Yes, the American Civil Liberties Union is driving this, but WE are the enablers. If we want God back in our culture, we shall have to care.

We The People must contend for Him -- writing our representatives, protesting court decisions, demonstrating, and exercising civil-disobedience, if necessary. Part of our problem is that we believe the courts are the supreme rulers. This is a false doctrine. The Constitution gives the courts only a few enumerated powers, dictating to other branches of government not among them, nor making new law nor defining religion.
When the Supreme Court ruled a few years ago that the Boy Scouts could exclude homosexuals, many municipalities refused to accept this ruling and acted as though it hadn't happened. They suffered no consequences, exposing a well-kept secret: The Supreme Court has no enforcement power beyond the people's will.

The lesson: Only new activism can restore balance. Non-response by the legislature to the Massachusetts Supreme Court would have prevented the current same-sex "marriage" fiasco. The legislature didn't have to obey the court's orders. The courts also do not govern the executive branch and its agencies. And they cannot interfere with "religion" unless we let them. 

The buck stops with US. We can set things right, but we have to want to. In our Republic the people, not the courts, are supreme. Let's start acting that way!

As we get closer to Christmas, commemorating the birth of Christ, the above article speaks succinctly of one of the MAJOR problems facing this country today: the elimination of Judeo-Christian religion from our society. Over the past few decades, those who hate freedom in this country have been more and more successful in their determined efforts to expunge GOD from our culture. The manifest results of that success are everywhere around us. It is time, actually long past time for us to "put on the whole armor of God" and go forth to do battle to save this country from the Ungodly!


Paradoxmagnus on People's Awareness Coalition w/ borders

IF that SO-CALLED "article" contained the NORMAL People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) "material" then I understand WHY it was DELETED.

For example, in an email regarding a "live Community Call with PAC Groups Education - info@... ~ Episode 21 ~ Call ID: 62794", PAC "claimed" that SUPPOSEDLY "In the original form of the constitution system, a man was not subject to the United States. Now that he is a citizen of the District of Columbia-known as the United States-he is subject to its law. The Empire (United States) is setup by the Roman law system, but extends itself into a whole other realm of private law that its citizens must maintain."

Even the FIRST U.S. SUPREME COURT acknowledged that FACT that the people/citizens of the several states of the Union were subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

"1st. I acknowledge, and shall always contend, that the States are sovereignties. But with the free will, arising from absolute independence, they might combine in Government for their own happiness. Hence sprang the confederation; under which indeed the States retained their exemption from the sorensic jurisdiction of each other, and, except under a peculiar modification, of the United States themselves. Nor could this be otherwise; since such a jurisdiction was no where (according to the language of that instrument) expressly delegated. This Government of supplication cried aloud for its own reform; and the public mind of America decided, that it must perish of itself,and that the Union would be thrown into jeopardy, unless the energy of the general system should be increated. Then it was the present Constitution produced a new order of things. It derives its origin immediately from the people; and the people individually are, under certain limitations, subject to the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities thereby established. The States are in fact assemblages of these individuals who are liable to process. The limitations, which the Federal Government is admitted to impose upon their powers, are diminutions of sovereignty, at least equal to the making of them defendants.
The articles of confederation, it is well known, did not operate upon individual citizens; but operated only upon states, This defect was remedied by the national Constitution, which, as all allow, has an operation on individual citizens.
Whoever considers, in a combined and comprehensive view, the general texture of the Constitution, will be satisfied, that the people of the United States intended to form themselves into a nation for national purposes. They instituted, for such purposes, a national Government, complete in all its parts, with powers Legislative, Executive and Judiciary; and, in all those powers, extending over the whole nation.
Every State in the Union in every instance where its sovereignty has not been delegated to the United States, I consider to be as completely sovereign, as the United States are in respect to the powers surrendered. The United States are sovereign as to all the powers of Government actually surrendered: Each State in the Union is sovereign as to all the powers reserved. It must necessarily be so, because the United States have no claim to any authority but such as the States have surrendered to them: Of course the part not surrenderred must remain as it did before. The powers of the general Government, either of a Legislative or Executive nature, or which particularly concerns Treaties with Foreign Powers, do for the most part (if not wholly) affect individuals, and not States: They require no aid from any State authority. This is the great leading distinction between the old articles of confederation, and the present constitution. "

CHISHOLM v. STATE OF GA., 2 U.S. 419 (1793)

And the ALLEGED "claim" about ROMAN CIVIL LAW is also BS since the CONSTITUTION & AMERICAN LAW is based on ENGLISH COMMON LAW.

Magna Carta, also called Magna Carta Libertatum (the Great Charter of Freedoms), is an English legal charter, originally issued in the year 1215. It was written in Latin and is known by its Latin name. The usual English translation of Magna Carta is Great Charter.

Magna Carta required King John of England to proclaim certain rights (pertaining to freemen), respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law. It explicitly protected certain rights of the King's subjects, whether free or fettered — and implicitly supported what became the writ of habeas corpus, allowing appeal against unlawful imprisonment.

Magna Carta was arguably the most significant early influence on the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law today in the English speaking world. Magna Carta influenced the development of the common law and many constitutional documents, including the United States Constitution.[1] Many clauses were renewed throughout the Middle Ages, and continued to be renewed as late as the 18th century. By the second half of the 19th century, however, most clauses in their original form had been repealed from English law.

Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. It was preceded by the 1100 Charter of Liberties in which King Henry I voluntarily stated what his own powers were under the law.

"The constitution of the United States, as originally adopted, uses the words 'citizen of the United States' and 'natural-born citizen of the United States.' By the original constitution, every representative in congress is required to have been 'seven years a citizen of the United States,' and every senator to have been 'nine years a citizen of the United States'; and 'no person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president.' Article 2, 1. The constitution nowhere defines the meaning of these words, either by way of inclusion or of exclusion, except in so far as this is done by the affirmative declaration that 'all persons born r naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.' Amend. art. 14. In this, as in other respects, it must be interpreted in the light of the common law, the principles and history of which were familiarly known to the framers of the constitution. Minor v. Happersett, 21 Wall. 162; Ex parte Wilson, 114 U.S. 417, 422 , 5 S. Sup. Ct. 935; Boyd v. U. S., 116 U.S. 616, 624 , 625 S., 6 Sup.Ct. 524; Smith v. Alabama, 124 U.S. 465 , 8 Sup. Ct. 564. The language of the constitution, as has been well said, could not be understood without reference to the common law. 1 Kent, Comm. 336; Bradley, J., in Moore v. U. S., 91U.S. 270 , 274. [169 U.S. 649, 655] U.S. v. WONG KIM ARK, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

CIVIL CODE 5.  The provisions of this Code, so far as they are substantially the same as existing statutes or the common law, must be construed as continuations thereof, and not as new enactments.

CIVIL CODE 6.  No action or proceeding commenced before this Code takes effect, and no right accrued, is affected by its provisions.

CIVIL CODE 22.2.  The common law of England, so far as it is not repugnant to or inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, or the Constitution or laws of this State, is the rule of decision in all the courts of this State.

CIVIL CODE 1866.  When a statute or instrument is equally susceptible of two interpretations, one in favor of natural right, and the other against it, the former is to be adopted.

Here is another EXAMPLE of their SO-CALLED "information" from the PAC website.

"It should be noted that Section 1 establishes the new "citizen of the United States" status. Simply put, this creates the new so-called "dual" or "federal" citizenship5 under this amendment. It is very important to note that this dual citizenship status did not exist prior to the forced "implementation" of the infamous amendment. We also should note that the amendment is applied to all people—or persons as the amendment establishes—who are found in the several states in manner of representation by Congress.6 It should be noted that the term "persons" is considered to be an element of the Section 2 problem."

IF it were true that "this dual citizenship status did not exist prior to the forced "implementation" of the infamous amendment", then WHY did in 1856 both the U.S. SUPREME COURT & BOUVIER'S LAW DICTIONARY both say that the citizens of the several states were the citizens of the United States BEFORE the 14th Amendment (1868)?

"It is true, every person, and every class and description of persons, who were at the time of the adoption of the Constitution recognised as citizens in the several States, became also citizens of this new political body; but none other; it was formed by them, and for them and their posterity, but for no one else. And the personal rights and privileges guarantied to citizens of this new sovereignty were intended to embrace those only who were then members of the several State communities, or who should afterwards by birthright or otherwise become members, according to the provisions of the Constitution and the principles on which it was founded. It was the union of those who were at that time members of distinct and separate political communities into one political family, whose power, for certain specified purposes, was to extend over the whole territory of the United States. And it gave to each citizen rights and privileges outside of his State [60 U.S. 393, 407]   which he did not before possess, and placed him in every other State upon a perfect equality with its own citizens as to rights of person and rights of property; it made him a citizen of the United States".   DRED SCOTT v. SANDFORD, 60 U.S. 393 (1856)

CITIZEN, persons. One who, under the constitution and laws of the United States, has a right to vote for representatives in congress, and other public officers, and who is qualified to fill offices in the gift of the people. In a more extended sense, under the word citizen, are included all white persons born in the United States, and naturalized persons born out of the same, who have not lost their right as such. This includes men, women, and children.

2. Citizens are either native born or naturalized. Native citizens may fill any office; naturalized citizens may be elected or appointed to any office under the constitution of the United States, except the office of president and vice-president. The constitution provides, that "the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states." Art. 4, s. 2.

3. All natives are not citizens of the United States; the descendants of the aborigines, and those of African origin, are not entitled to the rights of citizens. Anterior to the adoption of the constitution of the United States, each state had the right to make citizens of such persons as it pleased. That constitution does not authorize any but white persons to become citizens of the United States; and it must therefore be presumed that no one is a citizen who is not white. 1 Litt. R. 334; 10 Conn. R. 340; 1 Meigs, R. 331.

4. A citizen of the United States, residing in any state of the Union, is a citizen of that state. 6 Pet. 761 Paine, 594;1 Brock. 391; 1 Paige, 183 Metc. & Perk. Dig. h. t.; vide 3 Story's Const. 1687 Bouv. Inst. Index, b. t.; 2 Kent, Com. 258; 4 Johns. Ch. R. 430; Vatt. B. 1, c. Id, 212; Poth. Des Personnes, tit. 2, s. 1. Vide Body Politic; Inhabitant.


Given the FACT that much of "patriot mythology" EFFECTIVELY "disenfranchises" most "patriots" who "believe" in it, perhaps people should consider the possibility that much of it is PROPAGANDA & DISINFORMATION that has been purposely DESIGNED to render them POLITICALLY & ECONOMICLY IMPOTENT.

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States. The FBI used covert operations from its inception, however formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971.[2] The FBI's stated motivation at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order." [3]

According to FBI records, 85% of COINTELPRO resources were expended on infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups suspected of being subversive,[4] such as communist and socialist organizations; the women's rights movement; militant black nationalist groups, and the non-violent civil rights movement, including individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Congress of Racial Equality, the American Indian Movement, and other civil rights groups; a broad range of organizations labeled "New Left", including Students for a Democratic Society, the National Lawyers Guild, the Weathermen, almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War, and even individual student demonstrators with no group affiliation; and nationalist groups such as those "seeking independence for Puerto Rico." The other 15% of COINTELPRO resources were expended to marginalize and subvert "white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan and National States' Rights Party.[5]

The directives governing COINTELPRO were issued by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders.[6][7]

After all, according to it, people SUPPOSEDLY can NOT vote, hold office, serve on juries, use a social security number (SSN), use a zip code & so on, without ALLEGEDLY making them "subject" to certain ALLEGED "jurisdictions".


And in many cases following "patriot mythology" can render people ECONOMICLY IMPOTENT as well since it is often used to SUCKER people into SCAMS such as "NESARA", "bills of exchange", "debentures", "mortgage elimination", "gifting" & so on.

And most of those who PROMOTE those SUPPOSED "arguments" USE them to sell people SEMINARS & other materials of QUESTIONABLE value BASED on people's "belief" in those "arguments", DON'T they?

Could it be POSSIBLE that PAC is promoting this SO-CALLED "state national" information in order to SELL people on the "idea" of EXPATRIATION?

In setting the premise:
There are some "patriots" out there that say that expatriation is the wrong thing to do in freeing oneself from the system. We beg to differ—herein are some legal authorities: [REST OMITTED]

Patrick in California


"It isn't the jumping that kills you. It is the sudden stop."-Unknown


Israel behind fake terror bombs

Worse still, the "terrorists" father, described by the press as a "Muslim banker" turned out to be a partner in an Israeli managed defense company and a close friend of the CIA." "Never was America, its freedoms and security less free and less secure as when Michael Chertoff was watching over us."
Last week, we were told courier services were carrying powerful and undetectable bombs, sent from Yemen, mailed to "Chicago synagogues" to strike out at America's Jewish population just before the elections. This would seem like a credible terrorist act if it were not for a few things:

* Recent "debunked" terror threats, Adam "Perlman" Gadahn, the actor playing "American Taliban" and the long dead Osama bin Laden had both issued terror alerts that had, as usual, made no reference to Israel or Palestinians. This time, the press noticed and Israel became suspect number one as to the real origin of these threats. 

* Wikileaks has also been "outed" as a source unique in its protection of Israel and its interests. Reports have been proven to be, not only altered or falsified, but carefully filtered using PROMIS <http://www.opednews.com/articles/Main-Core-PROMIS-and-the-by-Ed-Encho-09013 1-275.html> http://i.ixnp.com/images/v6.51/t.gif software, proving high level government complicity in filtering and fabricating data. Today, Israel announced that Wikileaks proves they were singled out by the UN for investigation for atrocities in Gaza as proven by the Goldstone Report <http://www.goldstonereport.org/> http://i.ixnp.com/images/v6.51/t.gif.

They now ask for a similar investigation of the United States, a nation they used to consider an ally, the nation that underwrites their economy with massive economic aid.

* Newspaper reports, so often horribly unreliable, have universally misrepresented the nature of the explosive used, PETN <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentaerythritol_tetranitrate>http://i.ixnp.com/images/v6.51/t.gif, its detectability and function. This is not a minor thing, not at all. Literally hundreds of reporters were fed
information easily disproven in Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentaerythritol_tetranitrate>

We have seen it all before. Last Christmas, the <http://criminalstate.com/2010/02/christmas-day-crotch-bomber-tied-to-israel-fbi/> "Crotch Bomber" http://i.ixnp.com/images/v6.51/t.gifwas another "PETN/Yemen" terror fiasco. Press stories blamed Al Qaeda and were ready to build this into a new 9/11 except that reliable witnesses, Detroit area attorneys, saw the terrorist, no passport, no visa, escorted onto the plane.

Before that, newspapers said the bomber had a diplomatic passport, a visa and had "evaded" security. "Security" put him on the plane, security employed by a company whose management and employees are largely IDF and Mossad and whose owners are Israeli. Worse still, the "terrorists" father, described by the press as a "Muslim banker" turned out to be a partner in an Israeli managed defense company and a close friend of the CIA.

Now we have the arrest, today, of a young woman in Yemen, one with no ties to extremist organizations or terrorism. When this story is "peeled away," beneath the "spin," where will it go? The problem is, every story is "spin" and has to be discarded. What does this tell us?

(VIDEO) EXPLOSIVES: OBAMA SAYS YES, BBC SAYS NO.HERE WE GO AGAIN YouTube - <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNXb9NWPtcw> Veterans Today -http://i.ixnp.com/images/v6.51/t.gif

Every newspaper in the country has reported that PETN, Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, is "undetectable." Look at the word. See the part that says "nitrate?" Most common explosives are nitrates and there is nothing the least bit difficult about finding them. The game is simple. We now have to put a useless $5 million dollar "Michael Chertoff" package scanner in every post office in America to find explosives easily detected by 1970s technology. This is the heart of mythology and the racketeers that run, not only "counter-terrorism" but may well in fact run "terrorism" as well. 

30 years ago, I was talking with my good friend Leo Crampsey about portable
explosive detectors. Those of you who know Leo, know him as the "last man"
up the ladder in 1975, last American to leave the embassy in Saigon as South
"In a role symbolic of its mission (the Diplomatic Security Service), one of
the last people in the final helicopter to evacuate the U.S. Embassy during
the fall of Saigon in 1975 was Leo Crampsey, Diplomatic Security's regional
security officer, according to the State Department."
We had gotten a new British model, one extremely effective at detecting
nitrate based explosives like PETN. It was very portable, rechargeable
battery, and a good application for use by the Bureau of Diplomatic
Security. Letter bombs had become a big issue and inspecting mail received
by the president while traveling became the first application.
This much can probably be said, considering the years that have passed.
Suffice it to say, I have been around these technologies and
"counter-terrorism" for awhile and recognize the smell of "manure" in
today's press stories.
"Counter-terrorism" was a science long before 9/11 and the people of the
United States had been looked after quite effectively for some time, before
terrorism became an industry onto itself.
PETN is interesting stuff. It is actually a heart drug. There are more
than a few ways to detect it, certainly those airport swabs can pick it up,
sniffers and the newer scanners. It doesn't hold together well so you can't
shape it as with other explosives unless you mix it with something else. It
also requires a trigger of some kind, another explosive device, something
that makes it even easier to detect. Ah, but the press doesn't care about
any of this, they are willing to fabricate stories about the new "magic"
undetectable explosive, one that requires that airports, post offices,
courier companies, all buy new inspection equipment.
Former head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, represents many of the
companies that make this extremely expensive equipment. Do we want to say
who owns these companies? This, and a few things about Chertoff leap out at
us in a second. Never was America, its freedoms and security less free and
less secure as when Michael Chertoff was watching over us.
The smell we get is "false flag."


"False Flag" means "terror for profit." One thing the "9/11 Truth" movement
never looks at is the money trail. Who profited from 9/11? So often the
ideas about terrorism, the ones sold by the media, seem a bit thin.

"You hate America because of what? You're kidding!"

Terrorism is 90% industry and 10% "crazy Arab extremists." When we are told
to believe a "cover story" about a terrorist attack, we are asked to
discount the very well established fact that intelligence agencies are all,
in reality, the real terrorist organization. They do the assassinations,
the bombings and certainly are the ones who get the crazy and too often
childish threats spread across the media. Terrorism is how they work. They
do two things, they get information and they influence events.
This means bribe, this means blackmail but mostly it means murder, terrorism
and lots and lots of doing things to blame on someone else. This, in fact,
is the very heart of most intelligence agency activities and always has
been. Then why does our media pretend none of this is what we know it to be
when half the TV shows, books and movies we see talk about little else. Try
getting a job with the Mossad or CIA if you can't speak Arabic or look like
a "cardboard cutout" terrorist.
When two idiots in Kansas City want to blow something up, probably because
they have seen it done on TV so many times or just got their orders from,
yes that long dead Osama bin Laden, orders relayed to them by ABC News, the
"help" they get, where do you think it comes from? Look at Oklahoma City.
Without delving into conspiracy theory, nothing added up there. Every
terror attack since has had some kind of cover-up involved or as Colonel
Shaffer calls it, "whitewash."
The first thing to come to mind is, of course, scaring the public to stop
looking at their own government, its mismanagement, the massive corruption
and the foreign influence that many say makes America seem more and more
like a "colony." The invasion of Iraq had some very interesting aspects to
it, too many to count but these are worth looking at:
* The phony intelligence created to justify the attack on Iraq was
created prior to 9/11 but was written as an answer to 9/11. Are there
really psychics?
* The invasion of Iraq, in answer to 9/11 2001, was planned as early
as 1999 or before, by people who weren't even in government yet. Are there
really psychics?
Look at Iraq alone. Haliburton Corporation, an oil tool company once headed
by Dick Cheney began selling food, water, in fact everything imaginable to
the US government on "no bid" and "cost-plus" contracts with no oversight
whatsoever. Dirty water, electrocuted troops, unfinished projects, massive
overruns and worse were the result, that and endless billions "misplaced."
Bush political insiders formed companies overnight and were awarded
contracts for everything imaginable, in reality, funding political "dirty
tricks" and election rigging in the US at the same time, the same way the
drug profits from Afghanistan are being laundered back into congressional
campaigns for the upcoming 2010 election.
Our ill planned invasion, now termed a "war crime" by almost everyone,
turned into an insurgency, then a civil war and finally a total disaster for
the United States, leaving Iraq unstable and believed by many under the
total control of Iran.

If anyone can find a "war aim" other than stealing money from America and
oil from Iraq, please let me know.

When Israel attacked the Mavi Marmara in international waters, executing 9
humanitarian activists and then "photoshopped" video for the press, piracy
and terrorism by a government have never been as obvious. When Israel
demonstrated its stranglehold on the press, suppressing news stories quite
openly, it signaled to the world that we live under a real terror threat
that has nothing to do with Islam or extremism.
Abuses like this, the news media totally discredited, only embolden
profiteers who would use terror as a daily business practice. Yes,
terrorism is nothing but a way of drumming up business, selling body
scanners, bulldozers to knock down homes, drones to bomb weddings and
funerals, endless "think tanks" and "consultants" who all do nothing but
misdirect, misinform, mislead and, in reality, betray.
Terrorism is organized crime in its purist form, managed from Wall Street
and New York, perhaps Washington, London and Tel Aviv also, maybe more so.
With the news, our military, the intelligence agencies, the drug cartels,
big oil and defense all inexorably tied together financially, an endless
"revolving door," defended by a totally complicit and equally guilty press,
terrorism can be expected to remain the only growth industry in the world.
Thus, the only safe investment in America today...terrorism.

*** exposing the hidden truth for further educational research only ***
CAVEAT LECTOR *** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational


UK 7-7 Ripple Effect maker in Irish Supreme Court

I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day. About a year and a half ago in February 2009 a documentary film-makerAnthony John Hill alias Muad'Dib was arrested. He produced a film called "7/7 Ripple effect" which is about the 2005London terrorist-attacks, which were claimed to have been done by 4 muslimbombers. The film shows without doubt that the alleged 4 muslims could not possibly have done it, and that it was most probably done by the intelligence services, military and people in high positions in the UK government.
The film has gained widespread popularity after its release on November 5th 2007, and is so compelling that the government propaganda-arm BBC had to make a dedicated TV-programme to attempt to discredit the film. Their personal attack that failed to address the film's strongest points instead gave the film further popularity. It was already estimated in 2009 that millions of people have viewed the film and believe it is true.

Muad'Dib posted copies of the film to a court in the UK, where the UK authorities were trying to convict 3 innocent people they were accusing of having helped the 4 alleged muslim bombers, when it is clear that the 4 alleged bombers could not have done the atrocities, which was later proven by the court dismissing the charges. Irritated by Muad'Dib's film, the UK authorities applied for an European arrest warrant in 2008 and had the Irish authorities ransack his home one early morning, steal his computers and printer, and put him in jail for a number of days until bail was granted, claiming that Muad'Dib was "attempting to pervert the course of justice", when in reality Muad'Dib was seeking to prevent the authorities to pervert the course of justice by showing the true facts regarding the attacks.

It has been known for longthat the authorities lie to the people and start wars based on lies. The London attacks were and still are a crucial tool for the UK government to attempt to justify the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though most people are already aware that they were all based on lies, which is a fact that is every day become more and more clear as the truth gets researched.

Muad'Dib appealed to the Irish Supreme Court to fight the extradition in 2009 and has since been waiting since for their decision, suffering having to report to a  police-station three times a week, surrender His passport and drivers-license, and has been ordered as part of the bail condition not to speak to anyone in English and Wales about the 7/7 2005 bombings.

Now, the time has come for the Supreme Court to have a hearing on the matter on the coming Thursday 11th of November 2010. This court-case will have weighty consequences, because first of all it goes to the question of free speech. Muad'Dib did absolutely nothing wrong in sending copies of his film to a court, but intended to provide critical evidence to the jury and the judge.

The UK authorities however see Muad'Dib and the film as a serious threat and want to make an example of him, to deter other people from speaking the truth. The charge against Muad'Dib carries a maximum of life imprisonment, which shows how aggravated they are because of him and his film, which exposes the London
bombings for what they were: an inside-job to support illegal wars and the illusion of alleged muslim radicals threatening our way of life, when in reality it is the government that is stripping away our freedoms day by day and making life miserable for everyone, and starting and continuing wars that are killing millions and displacing yet more millions of people from their homes and destroying families both home and abroad. We are facing high seated government officials that are accomplices to heinous crimes, and who at the least are trying to cover the truth up about the real course of events in order to justify illegal wars that have already killed millions of people and displaced yet more millions of people.

Please see a summary of the events and the facts below, and please do your utmost to help spread the news about this very important court-date and the whole issue, which affects us all.





    Truth Attack tries hard to avoid putting its hand out every time you hear from us, but this is an exceptional time and calls for an exception to that rule.  Because Truth Attack's appeals for contributions are few and far between, you know that when we make an appeal like this is it because there is a genuine and urgent need for help.  Our account is almost empty at a time when we need most to be striking a blow for the Truth.

    Some of you are contributing on an automatic monthly basis and some have made generous contributions for which we are deeply grateful, and we do our best to operate on what we have without begging or pleading, but right now there are several projects that are in serious need of funding in order to get them out of the 'torpedo tube' and onto the target.
OPERATION TROJAN HORSE:  Joe Banister, the IRS's CID Special Agent who resigned when he discovered the Truth about the income tax law, has videotaped a very compelling appeal to his former colleagues to do their own investigation to determine whether they are keeping or breaking their oaths to support and uphold the law.  He describes his own investigation and what he learned from it and calls upon them to look for themselves.  We have also produced a companion CD providing everything an IRS agent needs to see that the IRS is violating the law and that they have been active accomplices.  We want to send that DVD and CD to every IRS agent and officer we can, but we do not have the funds to duplicate the DVD and CD's, much less package and mail them out.

The companion CD will include a searchable Internal Revenue Code and regulations and a copy of the Memorandum as well as a new document Tom Cryer has written, "The Truth About the 'Truth' About Frivolous Tax Arguments", a powerful rebuttal of the IRS's "frivolous" arguments publication that exposes numerous lies in that document.  Folders on each issue and point will present the authorities along with a synopsis in each folder explaining what those statutes and cases provide.  It's so simple even a federal judge will be able to understand it.

We know from experience that virtually no one inside the IRS has ever heard of Joe Banister, much less knows about his investigation into the tax laws.  When these DVD's and CD's hit the desks of thousands of IRS agents and employees it will at the least create doubts in their minds and in some cases, perhaps many, it will result in agents following Joe's example and standing up for the Truth.  Most agents are doing what they do because they believe it is right.  When they realize it is wrong many will stop.  Others will at least slow down. 

We all know what a splash it made when Joe resigned rather than break his oath.  Imagine the tsunami of a splash when hundreds of agents do the same.  This project deserves funding.

OPERATION INNOCENCE REVEALED:  This coming weekend, on November 12, Joe Banister and a host of Tax Honesty attorneys will be flying into TA Headquarters at Shreveport, Louisiana.  Joe and attorneys Larry Becraft, Peter Gibbons and John Green, along with Tom Cryer, George Harp and Dr. Michael Cox (both attorney and medical doctor), will tape a powerful presentation aimed at federal judges, U. S. Attorneys and federal prosecutors demonstrating that those in the Tax Honesty Community are not criminals.  The video will remind them that their first and foremost duty is not to prosecute the guilty, but rather to protect and shield the innocent.  Coming from professionals like Joe and a bevy of highly credentialed and experienced attorneys, DOJ attorneys and federal judges will have to take these issues seriously and at least look into them.  We know what they will find . . . the Truth.

The DVD will set out in detail the difference between a "tax protester", who may be guilty of tax evasion, and those in the Tax Honesty Movement who truly believe the income tax law does not apply to them.  It will spell out in great detail the authorities relied upon by tax honesty advocates, showing that their beliefs are not frivolous and are, in fact, well supported by the law as enacted by Congress and as interpreted by the Supreme Court and that, being innocent, they are entitled to the DOJ's and Court's protection.

We have good reason to believe that attorneys in the DOJ are becoming more and more aware of the legitimate issues raised by the Tax Honesty Movement and that their legal training will allow them to recognize the Truth when they see it.  We need to distribute those DVD's and the same powerful CD that accompanies Joe Banister's Trojan Horse DVD to every U.S. Attorney, every Asst. U.S. Attorney and every magistrate, district judge, appellate judge and even every Supreme Court justice.

While a generous supporter has provided most of the funds needed to fly these attorneys and professionals in, this project along with others we're working on have exhausted our funds.  Tom Cryer has had to sell his small silver stash to pay for lodging and meals for the crew and the presenters.  So we need your help to cover the cost of reproduction, packaging and mailing these DVD/CD bombshells to prosecutors and judges across the country.

OPERATION RICH REWARDS:  99.9% of attorneys will instantly tell you that there is a law making working Americans liable for the income tax.  They say this not because they have seen such a law, but because they know that it MUST exist in order for the IRS to impose the income tax on all working Americans.  If they were to look for that law, however, they would very easily and quickly realize that it does not exist.  As attorneys they would also instantly realize that without such a law the IRS is illegally collecting income taxes from millions of hardworking Americans.  What will it take, however, to get them to look?  What motivates most attorneys?

That's right . . . MONEY!  Is it ethical, or even moral, to use money as bait for lawyers?  Probably not, but this is war and the Truth is at stake.  So, Truth Attack wants to place the following ad in Bar Journals across the country:
$100,000 . . . . FOR A FEW MINUTES OF RESEARCH!!

EVERY LAWYER KNOWS That the federal legal system is a civil law system; that federal law can only be created by legislative act; that tax laws are strictly construed; that taxes must be plainly and clearly laid; and that, therefore, there can be no implied or inferred liability for any tax.

So . . . Where is the law that plainly and clearly imposes liability for the federal income tax on the typical working American?

A lot of people want to know. They have asked the IRS, but it says it is not required to tell.  Is it a secret??  Is there any "classified" law?

They have asked their congressmen and senators, and none have been able to cite one—one senator has replied that there is no such law and others refuse to answer at all.
One organization, Freedom Law School (livefreenow.org), will pay you $100,000 for finding such a law! All you have to do is show them the statute that plainly and clearly imposes liability for the federal income tax on the typical working American and you can earn $100,000 FOR A LITTLE RESEARCH!!

 Can't find it?  Find out why.  Download The Memorandum at www.TruthAttack.org.  It's free!
 Truth Attack
 Putting the Government Back In Its Box . . . One Tentacle At A Time!!

When attorneys learn the truth then judges will not be able to ignore the law because they know everyone knows better.  That is why we have to begin with the Bar and the courts.

But TA does not have the funds to do that.  We are right on the brink of broke.  WE NEED HELP!

We cannot continue to stay on the defensive and expect a different result.  We have to take the initiative—we have to go on the offense—we have to ACT, not just REACT.  But we cannot do that without everyone helping.  Everyone includes you and everyone you know.  Please help us take the Truth to those who need most to know.  Please urge your friends and family to help.

This is a defining moment.  Either we move forward or we will continue to be pushed backward.  No amount is too small to make a difference and no amount is too large a price to pay for freedom and justice.  Please send all the help you can to Truth Attack, 7330 Fern Ave., Suite 1102, Shreveport, LA  71105, or CLICK HERE to contribute on line.


We want people to forward our newsletter totheir friends and colleagues who would want such communications but in generalforwarding large numbers of blind copied messages to people you don'tpersonally know and who have not opted into your "list" is a badpractice and ends up reflecting badly on us relative to spam issues.  Youmust exercise great caution in sending unsolicited copies of our emails torelative strangers as more often than not it is Truth Attack, not you, who willsuffer the adverse consequences.  For anyone who we determine isforwarding our communications in a "spam like" manner, we reserve theright to remove them from our distribution list.  For further informationabout this issue please see this link on our web site including the reference to spam guidelines.  Please review these pages beforeforwarding any of our messages.
DISCLAIMER (Damole Lawyers): Truth Attack (TA) cannot providelegal advice nor does it provide any advice on any tax filing procedure orcontent. TA does not provide or propose any particular tax method, strategy orprocedure, nor does it recommend or suggest that anyone refuse to file taxreturns or pay taxes. The information provided and disseminated by TA is purelyfor the purpose of informing the public of the truth regarding the income taxlaw and of its fundamental rights under the Constitution as defined andinterpreted by the United States Supreme Court.




CIA's funding of Facebook's goal of knowing everything

Longtime AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers may recall that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has some creepy tentacles: the Information Awareness Office (IAO); TIA (Total Information Awareness, renamed Terrorism Information Program); and TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System). By 2003, an irate American people forced the government to drop these spooky command-and-control, police-state operations—or did they?

The "vampire coven" was seemingly dead and buried—but was the stake actually driven through its evil heart?
In 2002, Divya Narendra had an idea for a social network site. By the fall of 2003, she and twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss were looking for a web developer who could bring their idea to life. On Nov. 30, 2003 they hired Mark Zuckerberg to finish their program's codes. Little did they know what a monster Zuckerberg would hatch.

Zuckerberg bragged about taking their money so he could make his own social networking site. He boasted that his creation, which became the popular "Facebook" online social network, would naturally succeed. While pretending to work on college projects, he was sabotaging his clients by stalling. He claimed he was backed by the "Brazilian Mafia"—but AFP's revelations will show, it is dangerous to believe anything Zuckerberg [Kol Nidre] says.

Notably, The Social Network, is a new movie based on Zuckerberg and the pre-CIA founding years of Facebook, starring Jesse Eisenberg as Zuckerberg. Check upcoming issues of AFP to see how closely the script depicts the shocking facts. But as bad as the beginning of Facebook is, the parallels between the CIA's backing of Google's dream of becoming "the mind of God," and the CIA's funding of Facebook's goal of knowing everything about everybody are spookier.

Congress stopped the IAO from gathering as much information as possible about everyone in a centralized nexus for easy spying by the United States government, including Internet activity, credit card purchase histories, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, medical records, educational transcripts, driver's licenses, utility bills, tax returns, and all other available data. The government's plan was to emulate Communist East Germany's STASI police state by getting mailmen, boy scouts, teachers, students and others to spy on everyone else. Children would be urged to spy on parents.

Facebook, however, does what no dictator ever dreamed of—it has a half billion people willingly doing a form of spy work on all their friends, family, neighbors, etc.—while enthusiastically revealing information on themselves.

The huge database on these half a billion members (and non-members who are written about) is too much power for any private entity—but what if it is part of, or is accessed by, the [Banking-] military-industrial-national security-police-state complex?

We all know that "he who pays the piper, calls the tune," therefore, whoever controls the purse strings controls the whole project. When it had less than a million or so participants, Facebook demonstrated the potential to do even more than IAO, TIA and TIPS combined. Facebook really exploded after its second round of funding—$12.7 million from the venture capital firm Accel Partners. Its manager, James Breyer, was formerly chairman of the National Venture Capital Association and served on the board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, a venture-capital front established by the CIA in 1999. In-Q-Tel is the same outfit that funds Google and other technological powerhouses. One of its specialties is "data mining technologies."

Dr. Anita Jones, who joined the firm, also came from Gilman Louie and served on In-Q-Tel's board. She had been director of Defense Research and Engineering for the U.S. Department of Defense. This link goes full circle because she was also an adviser to the secretary of defense, overseeing DARPA, which is responsible for high-tech, high-end development.

Furthermore, the CIA uses a Facebook group to recruit staff for its National Clandestine Service.  Ralph Forbes is a a free-lance writer who lives in Arkansas.--END

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